Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1st Dr Visit

I had to be there at 9 a.m. to do was lap work actually on a little computer notebook. I waited maybe 5 minutes and was taken back to the sonogram room, which really surprised me they did that first. But we were happy to see out lil' one, who was very very active! It made me think of Carl...YIKES!!! All measured well and was right on target. I am 16 weeks 1 day and all measurements came to that as well. So right on target! From there Dr came in and did the lovely yearly PAP. But he did it so fast it was not even funny. Then I went to be weighed, and measured and got my BP checked. All that went well. I have still not gained any weight yet. Then I had to do some lab stuff and then went and gave this huge family history stuff to them and because my sister is going through all this breast cancer treatment I too have to have an ultrasound on my right breast(underarm) on March 6th. I also have an appointment in April for a very in depth Ultrasound In Charlottesville because I am "Advanced Maternal Age". That's their nice way of saying I am old! lol
My next regular Dr appointment is on March 30. I am so glad that I have all this going now. I am hopeful all will work out!
The baby looked so sweet. I saw the hands and legs...precious!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Oh my how I hate moving! That may be what lies ahead for us though. I am so worried and I know I should not be, but I just cannot help it. The problem at hand is that the septic system field lines have appeared to have broken down and the ground is no longer able to do what it is supposed to be doing. So the man that came out yesterday told our Landlord that this project could get up to $25,000 before it is all said and done. Landlord says he now knows why you see all the abandoned farmhouses. That let us know he is not willing to spend that much on this place. We are already strapped and cannot go any higher that what we are paying now.
I am praying that God will make a way and it won't cost that much so that we can stay here. Friends and family who read this please join me in prayer concerning this. I DO NOT WANT TO MOVE!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Eye Dr Visit

Jasper and I went today to get our eyes checked today. I have graduated to Bifocals. I will pick up in a week. Fun Fun Fun! I was also referred to a specialist for my pressures being a high normal. Signs pointing to possible Glaucoma. Not surprising. My Uncle and Brother have that. So I will make that appointment soon.

I finally got my insurance! I am going to the Dr on Wednesday! I am so hoping for a sonogram. That would be so great to find out if it is a boy or a girl or both lol. I don't think it is both really. It would just be nice to see our wee one and the sex so that we can determine a name for him or her.

Friday, February 24, 2012

A new day!

I am hoping for a better day than yesterday. I have a lot I want to get done today. Jasper is working in Charlottesville. He left at 5:30 this morning. Poor guy!

Carl slept as he normally does. I took him to the bathroom at around 3a.m. and then he got in my bed. That is his normal routine lately. He is still sleeping, though I expect him to get up any minute now. Rebecca seemed to calm right down last night, but poor Carl was still so upset and is calling the black dog a Coyote Dog....I told him it's just a regular dog, but, he still refers to it as such.

I plan to keep the children closer to me. I have always feared a bear or coyote coming in the yard, but a domestic dog can have the same effect. I am still so thankful that the dog was more interested in our dog. I didn't want Shorty hurt either, but, it would have been much better than my children being mauled to death. Reading the news, I know it happens daily to adults and children!

I am trying to get a fire going this morning. it is a little cool in here, but we won't need it long. Today is going to be 73* and then tomorrow will be 48*, yikes what a difference! I will enjoy today! :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Carl drawing after his scarey afternoon!

Pure Terror for my children!

I don't know that I have ever seen my children so scared. I never knew Carl could scream at the decibels he screamed.

Rebecca and Carl were outside playing in the yard and I could see them and hear them from the living room window. After probably an hour I hear Rebecca yelling for Carl to get in the house. She was yelling with a sternness in her voice and I figured Carl must have just did something goofy that she didn't like and was about to come tell on him. Then he begins to scream and I mean scream, and as they are entering the house you hear this terrified screaming and Rebecca yelling Mama, Mama, Mama repeatedly with fear in her voice. So I knew something was very wrong. I was up on my feet and met them in the dining room and my first thought as I see Carl with a stick and screaming hysterically, is he must have impaled himself with the stick. So I have begun the process of trying to look and see where the injury was and calm him. Then Rebecca says hysterically, there is a huge dog in the yard. So then you think it surely bit Carl. So I am looking and they are both totally hysterical and say it's trying to kill Shorty,(our Dog). I yelled for JJ, who by now is up and out the door with a broom in hand and hit the big Lab Type dog across the back. The dog turns and growls at JJ, so JJ comes running back in the house after his shot gun. The Dog was hovering over Shorty, ready to jump at any moment. Once JJ hit the dog and went for the gun it decided to slowly casually walk out of the yard.

When I think of what could have happened to my children, my body shivers. Shorty our dog is fine as well. I do not like the fact that dog came in our yard with them outside playing. It could have been a terrible situation. I thank God for keeping them all safe.

Poor Carl, he was screaming so bad. Rebecca was crying but not at the same time, but she too was hysterical. I had to yell twice for them to calm down before they ever snapped out of it. It really, really scared them bad. Carl kept saying, he tried to eat my buddy. I doubt I will get them to play outside anytime soon.

One thing that scared Rebecca so bad for Carl, is he had been walking toward Shorty when the other dog walked in from the other direction. Rebecca yelled for Carl to hurry and come in the house, which is what I originally heard in the first place. I told her she did the right thing by coming right in and making Carl come too. I gave her and Carl lots of big hugs! Carl asked can we play in the house now? I of course said sure. When they go back out we will be sure someone is in the yard too. Even though they were right there, I just don't trust it now.

It's going to be a nice day!

Isolated showers and 66*. I know that it might rain, but I think for the most part it will be nice enough for the children to go outside today. Maybe I can get some floors mopped too while they are out!

I feel good. I have mild pains from my growing uterus, But, that is not often or abnormal. I can feel the height of my uterus and feel baby too. It seems to be right on target according to charts. I still do not feel as much movement as I have with my other babies. I suspect it may be one of 2 things. Either my insides are numb from the previous c-section or the placenta is up front. I am sure I will find out next week. I hear the baby's movement though on the doppler, so I am not real concerned.

JJ is off work today, Renee don't have to be in until 4:30. Jasper is t work though. But the house is full right now with my family, I love it!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

15 weeks is here!

I listened this morning and through all the bumping sounds heard a nice steady beat of 162! Next week I go and get my Dr appointments started. I am so glad. I am hoping that they will do a sonogram....if the tech is good enough they should be able to tell if we have a boy or girl. I hope that since it will be my first visit they will want to check and see at least if it is 1 or 2. lol I think it is just 1, but hey I could be wrong....that would really be something. Twins don't scare me. They are fun and having babysat a set a few years ago I know how sweet they are. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens next week.
Regardless, we have made it to 15 weeks! Thank you Jesus!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

We Got snow!

It is still snowing lightly out there. everything looks beautiful! I love Virginia snow!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Looks like we may just get some this time. We hear all sorts of different reports. Snow amounts from 1" to 12" lol Who knows! I will take pictures for sure!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

14 weeks!

I am happy to say I am out of the first trimester and beginning the second. I have read where the percentage drops for miscarriage, and that you have a 90% chance of a healthy pregnancy and birth. Knowing we still have at least a 10% chance for miscarriage, I take each day and cherish it. Every morning listening for the heartbeat, I find myself saying a prayer before I listen. It never takes long to find baby, who is wiggling as I type... :) I only feel slight movements, but am growing. I can feel the top of my uterus. It is right where the diagram says it should be at 14 weeks, so I am encouraged.

I finally have a Dr's Appointment! I will be going very early on the 29th! They said be prepared for a couple hours there. I am hoping that they do an ultrasound that day! It sure would be nice to be able to find out the sex of the baby then.

I am considered high risk since I am 42. That is fine with me! I get more ultrasounds! :) I will relax if they say the nasal bone is there. That would rule out downs. But even if, I would NEVER abort my baby! God will not give me more than I can handle! Renee said that it would be a long 2 weeks for me....she may be right. lol

Saturday, February 11, 2012

It's Saturday!

What that means in I have lots to do! I have to get the house cleaned up for tomorrow. It needs it! Jasper is headed to the junk yard to buy seats for a van we had to get because my tranny went out again!
Samuel is still at the youth retreat. He will be home tonight after church. I miss him. I am glad he is having fun though.
Kids are going outside to play before it gets so cold they can't enjoy it. Windchill tomorrow morning will be 6*! Windchill now is 28*. So they might actually come right back
well I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend and hope you all have great services in church tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

13 Weeks 1 Day!

Look at that belly! Disregard the hair...Lol

Snow Day?

The weather statement said 1-3 inches at first. Now they are saying less than 1". I was hoping for a foot! We have only had one snow this season, I thought it would mean for a bad winter, but evidently this is not going to be the case. I know all it will take is the air being just right when I big system moves in and we are done. I want snow! :(

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

13 weeks!

I have made it out of the first trimester! I am 13 weeks today. I listened to the heartbeat today and it was very strong and steady! I am so happy to have gotten to this point! What a blessing! Now lets get through the next trimester! One day at a time! I will be so glad when I can get into see the Dr. Insurance is taking so long! Maybe by the time we finally do get in we will see if it is indeed a girl.

I do feel slight movement, but unless I am looking for it I don't feel it moving. I hear it on the Doppler though and it is very active! Most all sickness is gone. Just have the occasional yuck every now and then. My appetite is good, but still no weight gain, but no more loss either. I am holding my own now.

I wear mostly maternity wear now. My belly is like for a 5 or 6 month pregnancy. I am sure its because of all the other pregnancies and not twins! Yikes!

I feel good over all. I get sleepy a lot but feel very well right now. I am hoping I have a couple more months of no pains. The last trimester is always the worst.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Don't Rain On My Parade!

I woke up this morning and had to build the fire up. There were just a small amount of coals in there burning so I needed to get it going. So I cleaned out the old ashes and prepped for the new fire. As I went outside to dumb the ashes, I saw Robins everywhere! I could here them singing and oh what a joy it was for me because I knew Spring is here! When I went in the house, Jasper was up and I told him what I saw. He said you know that don't mean Winter won't show itself again....Robins or not...I said hey don't rain on my parade! lol

So, this afternoon. you guessed it, it is sleeting. Grrrrrrr! Sleet or not to me it's spring time when I see the robins!

Well, the chores are calling me! Better get at them!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Melt Downs, Wild Young-uns and More

It's the norm around here now a days. Carl cries over everything that don't go his way, Bella-Grace screams a shrill scream if it don't go hers. Ahhh a normal day of babies in the house. lol In between screams and cries you hear feet running wild all over the house! lol This house is very open so sound carries and oh my I do mean carries. I feel for anyone trying to nap during the day. With small ones in the house, there is just no way at all to have any quiet.

As I sit her typing Carl is blowing his cazoo, Bela Grace dancing to a song on a toy, and Rebecca trying to see what Carl is Samuel stays up in his room most of the time. He listens to radio broadcasts and plays with his Ipod.

I am so sleepy, and the kids are wide open. I think I will end this now. lol

Retested this morning!

It still means girl!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Cabbage Gender Results!

The one picture is to show you what the colors would be for a boy or girl. The single cup photo is my results. So according to this it's a girl!!! I am going to repeat the test again in the morning just to see if I get same results!

Read how to do test here

Carl on his rockinghorse

February 2, 2012

I am 12 weeks 2 days! I am so thankful to have made it this far! I listened this morning and baby sounded great and was bumping around making all sorts of noises come from the doppler. It was great! This week I pulled out my maternity clothes and washed them all up. I am wearing some now, some I will wear later. I cannot believe I need them already. But my belly is big. I took a picture of myself and sent via txt to a friend who is due the same time I am and she sent one back and we are about the same size. She too has a large family. I like having a belly buddy!
I was able to feel my uterus this morning. It is above the pelvis quite a bit, well I did have a full bladder too so that makes it seem higher I think. But I could feel it non the less.
Sickness comes and goes, but mostly is gone. I have times where I fall asleep a lot, and then hunger, hunger, However that seems to be better too. I feel very well.
Today I am going to do the red cabbage test, just for fun of course. Has anyone ever done that one? I took the bleach test, but it fizzed and Twins??? I am hoping for a better result with the cabbage. Youtube is full of these and people say it was accurate for them. So we will they say it works of the ph balance. Reddish pink for boy, purple/blue for girl. I will post results later today.

Well, I will close this for now. Jasper will be here soon with the bouncy horse for Carl someone had on Craigslist! I cannot wait to see him on it. He has so much energy I am hoping it helps him somewhat. We got it for $10!! Have a great day everyone!

Current Time


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