Sunday, October 27, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Frosty October Morning

Today was our first real frost. My entire yard was white. Temps are low and the wood stove is going. We are cozy warm in the Little House In The Valley. Hey I kinda like that, its

Anyway, Carl came down with a bug and ran a slight fever. It was 99.7 at its highest and he was complaining of tummy pain. He seems better right now. I hope so. I so hate it when my babies are sick.

I recently reconnected with an old friend. It was great getting to talk to her yesterday. We have been thru similar storms recently and could really understand one another. She is a precious person. God is good!

Yesterday was our sweetest friends birthday! Aliviah turned 10 yesterday and balloons were released in honor of her birthday. Her mommy tied two balloons together and had Rebecca's name on one and Aliviah's on the other and both had bff on them. Rebecca still holds on to her memories of Aliviah, as we all do. We miss her so much and I know her family does. It won't be long until we see her again!

Well, I better close this out. I have wood to gather, dishes and laundry to wash, school, clean the house, make bed, and the list goes on and on and on......

Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's here!

Well, cooler temps have arrived. Soon we will be building our first fire of the season. Right now we are using a heater that looks like a wood heater, but, it's electric. It's cozy.

This week didn't go so great. First, I was going to cut the grass. I made 2 good rounds and the drive belt came off. It was shredded. Jasper just replaced that belt. So knowing it was so hard for him to change out, that's it for the grass cutting this season. Then that same day my dryer goes out. It's a heating element. So, not sure if we will just get another dryer or replace the element. Depends on if he is willing to do the work I guess.

Everyone here is doing good. School is going, it's been a struggle for sure to stay on track. Samuel likes going to United. His grades are good and he has made some new friends. Rebecca is really growing. She is such a big helper. She's like a lil Mama. Always willing to help. Carl has gotten tall too. He is wearing size 5 clothes now. I can't believe he has gotten so big so fast. He is learning his letters and their sounds. He still has some speech issues, but is doing better. Cassia is running everywhere. She is sure enough growing. She is even talking small sentences! Now isn't that ridiculous? She is 14 months. Where did the time go?

Well, today is going to be busy too. So, I better get started if I am ever going to get finished. Have a great Saturday!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

God blesses us daily with the smallest things

We are beginning our addition to the house and I have been using pintrest to get ideas. One of which is red kitchen cabinets. I knew once we get the kitchen set up I would need paint. Last night God supplied that paint!!! So once the livingroom is finished, we will remodel the kitchen. I am sooooo excited! God is so good. I thank Him for even the little things!!!

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