Monday, August 18, 2014


This was so cute to see today. Bella Grace and Cassia were having a picnic. The menu was Hot Wheels cars lol! Bella Grace leads prayer over the "Food" by saying, "God is great, bread is good." So so cute!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Construction has begun!

I am so happy to write this! It has been a little over 2 years since we moved into this house and I have been waiting for this time to get here! Right now we have approximately 1100 square foot of house with 8 people in it. Trust me, that makes for cramped quarters! A few weeks ago, Jasper started it off by replacing windows in what will eventually become my dining room. It has opened the room and I have windows that will now open. Then he added a small area of shake siding. This really allows you to see how the house is going to look in the future. Can I say, Excited!
This week he took time to do the roof. Usually we have youth camp and he normally is counselor over the Jrs, but, not this year. He had two days that he just couldn't get things done because other situations pressed in. But, last night at dark he still managed to get all the osb on the roof. He did great! He has so far to go still, but we have begun and that is the main thing! 

Current Time


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