Thursday, October 9, 2014

Exciting News!

We are opening a Used Appliance Store! We have just secured our building which is 14,000 sq ft! We are so excited! I am going to add pictures soon! We get the keys tomorrow! We are business owners! Yay!

Monday, August 18, 2014


This was so cute to see today. Bella Grace and Cassia were having a picnic. The menu was Hot Wheels cars lol! Bella Grace leads prayer over the "Food" by saying, "God is great, bread is good." So so cute!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Construction has begun!

I am so happy to write this! It has been a little over 2 years since we moved into this house and I have been waiting for this time to get here! Right now we have approximately 1100 square foot of house with 8 people in it. Trust me, that makes for cramped quarters! A few weeks ago, Jasper started it off by replacing windows in what will eventually become my dining room. It has opened the room and I have windows that will now open. Then he added a small area of shake siding. This really allows you to see how the house is going to look in the future. Can I say, Excited!
This week he took time to do the roof. Usually we have youth camp and he normally is counselor over the Jrs, but, not this year. He had two days that he just couldn't get things done because other situations pressed in. But, last night at dark he still managed to get all the osb on the roof. He did great! He has so far to go still, but we have begun and that is the main thing! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Update yet again

I always think I will begin posting regularly again here. Yet I never do. I stay busy and having facebook, well that kinda just makes it easier I suppose. I am thinking of deleting the account yet again. I don't know yet for sure what I want to do. Some days I absolutely hate technology, then other days can't get enough of it. I think it is time consuming and keeps me from doing things I need to do.

May 12, 2014 I lost my Mama. It just don't seem real even a month later. I am mad at myself because toward the ending of her life I pulled back when I should have done more. She needed me more than ever, and I failed her. It eats at me daily. I only hope I can do more as a parent for my children and not make the same mistakes. I see her face and hear her voice, all just from memories now. I cherish each one, good or bad. I just cannot believe she is gone.

My kids are growing daily. Rebecca is now 10, Carl is 5, Cassia will be 2 in August! So hard to believe! Samuel is 16, and that just don't seem real to me at all. But, he is. So much going on in a day keeps us all super busy. Though summer is on our heels we are still in school and pretty much will be for a while longer.

Jasper began working on the house again. He replaced a picture window and put a quad vinyl window in. These windows will open up. It made a big change. Now if I can just get someone to come get the old one.
Soon we will be adding the new living room. That I am looking so forward to. If we can just decide where we want it at. Always got to be hard.

That about updates it for now. We will see how it goes from here. I need to come back to blogger. Getting to it is just another story.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Spring, and now what do I do?

In Elkton, Virginia we have had nicer temps. The bitter cold seems to have passed, with temps well above 50 lately. The grass is getting green and won't be long until the mowers will be roaring in the neighborhood.
I ordered several trees and shrubs and am waiting for them to arrive. I am so excited! I already received my shipment of Sugar Maples from Musser Forests. I planted them and am hopeful in a few years we will be making our own Maple Syrup.
I the next shipment is my Apple trees and Almond trees, Also Other goodies and found out yesterday some free gifts as well. That would be great, however, Where I was supposed to build my privacy screen, Jasper decided he still needed it open. So now I am scrambling to think where to put everything. I hope he was just kidding?
 That shipment is coming from Gardening Direct. In it is also a nice selection of black raspberries for Carl. He loves them and I really enjoyed seeing him chow down on them. Something he can enjoy eating with no dye worries! I have 8 plants coming. The idea for them is a place I can access them from all directions. So it will be in a circle bed.
I have nice rocks to line the beds. Jasper got them from the left overs at work. Yellow Knockout Roses will be another beauty to plant. Along with Forsythia, Spirea, and Weigela. I hope it will be purdy.

I sure wish I had the gift of creativity. I sure could use it right now!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Jasper has been given the opportunity to go to Belize and preach! We are raising money for him to go. I set up a fundraiser and anyone can donate! Find it here:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Making Chips

These chips are very addictive. Here is step by step directions.

This is the Brand I am using....  

I slice them into quarters by placing knife over top and pressing down. 

Set Fry Daddy to 350 and let it get to temperature.....

Place 2 stacks into hot grease, and set timer for 3 minutes. Stir to be sure they are not sticking to one another.....

I have 2 bowls for draining purposes. I swap them out as they cool into a 3rd final bowl..

Be careful! They are so good you will find yourself munching on them as your cooking!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Lights!

We have all new lights in the house! Jasper replaced 10 lights and it really makes a difference. It is really nice having your own fix it man around. ;)

I am BACK!

I am happy to say that I am back again! I have been away for a while now. I am hoping that I can return to a nice normal now. What we are doing: We are using ACE for Rebecca this year and she really likes it. We have enrolled into the Christian School Part. I always forget the name of it. But, they do the record keeping for us. So nice. Carl is doing work books and different websites. I am also working on his speech with him. He has trouble with the letter S. Most websites say not to worry most fix by age 7. I am hoping that be the case with my lil Man. Cassia is really starting to talk and can say a complete sentence. She is 17 months old. That is just how Samuel did too. I guess they may be similar in their ways. She looks like a pale version of him lol. Samuel is studying for his GED and working. He chose this path and we agreed he could go this route. He is doing well, playing many instruments now. Jasper and I are well, and probably doing better than we have in a long time. I am thankful for my family. God has been very good to me. I am very blessed. Though this past 6 months has been rough, God proved He is faithful. He is a friend above all. He sticketh closer than a brother! Definitely! I have learned a lot about myself. I have realized what's really important. My kids, My Husband. They are my family. I thank My God for them. I have 4 at home, they are my focus. So, that about tel's all I am going to tell for now. I am excited to be back and hope to post again tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Current Time


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