Tuesday, July 31, 2012

38 Weeks!

My my, it is swiftly passing and passing at an incredible speed! I have accepted the fact I will not get all the things done that I had wanted to before lil' miss Cassia arrives. That's fine, it will be there when I get to it! lol!
I am getting more and more sore as the days past after saying things had improved! I figure that too is because we are in the home stretch of this pregnancy.
Cortney is here and we are so excited that she will be here to see her name sake. No one will ever know just how much we love that girl. She is a precious part of our lives and I am so glad to have her with us for these couple weeks!
I have all my paper work in order and am supposed to be packing my bag tonight...lol Nope still have not done that! Anyhow, I have my last Dr visit tomorrow and then Thursday of next week we have Cassia! I have to get my camera charged and the card cleared to make room for video and stills. I cannot believe we are here!
One of the papers suggested the hospital keeps you 4 days after the surgery! I was a bit surprised at this. I was only in for 2 days when I had Carl. I hope I do as good if not better than when I had him. :)
Since it will be on a Thursday, Jasper can manage nicely over the weekend with the children. :)

Well, that's it for now. Carl has fallen asleep on the couch next to me and it is storming out as well. I am going to get him into bed and try to pack that bag I need to pack!lol! :)

Monday, July 30, 2012

10 Days!!

Can you all believe I have just 10 days until I have my surgery?! I cannot believe this pregnancy is almost ending. I still have so much to do, however I am hindered and will not be able to do it. Let me explain....

A couple nights ago, we had a visitor come in our yard. This visitor was so rude. We had our window open and they didn't even care! I woke up to a putrid smell of SKUNK! It was SO bad that we kept spraying our room with fresheners, but could not seem to over shadow the stench left behind from Peppy. As if that was not bad enough, I had some boxes to go through on the porch, still there from our move, and began smelling the skunk out there! He/She was either under the porch or behind a box sleeping and I disturbed it! Lovely! So I cannot finish sorting my things! It was out again last night. We are going to have to do something to get it gone! I know I am silly lol. My room still smells like skunk! lol

SO today I will just do what I can in here. DH is away at youth camp as Junior counselor and as soon as he gets home we will try to trap it and block the holes up. Hopefully that will do the trick!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Oh my word!

What a night I  had last night! I had been having some problems with my pelvis because Cassia was getting into it. So I opted to stay home. I was so glad I did once the cramp hit my left lower side. It was so bad I could not move. I managed to get into my recliner, it was not easy to get there but I held on to furniture and made it. It took 45 minutes for it to ease off.

Today when I got up, I was hurting in my back and having some contractions. Cassia was being very still and I couldn't make her wiggle so I went and got my doppler and then in the place I have always been able to pick up her heartbeat I could not find it. I knew where the placenta was so I placed it there and knew she was at least alive, but was not finding her actual heartbeat. I finally positioned the probe on top of my belly and it was there that I found her lil heart beating.

When I spoke to the nurse and shared all the information it was then that she told me it sounded like Cassia completely flipped inside and was now in the breech position. This turn also made my uterus be irritated and that was causing the contractions.

All is well now, things are calm for the most part. I have decided to pack my hospital bags tonight....lol

I took this pic while shopping today!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

37 Weeks!

I have made it to this point. Cassia is really growing and I can tell it with her movements! She is limited in her space now for sure. All is going well considering. My bp stays normal, swelling has just begun. I have very fat feet and hands these days! I have just 2 weeks until c-section day arrives! Whoo hoo can hardly believe that day is that close! I can't wait to hold my lil girl! All the wondering of who she will favor, how much she will weigh will be evident.

I have all her clothes ready and plan to pack my bag and the diaper bag next week for the hospital. :) I still have things I wanted to do, but I think they are just to far out of reach to get them finished. :( that means it will be a while before I can get things like I want them. Sigh. Oh well, just have to do what I have to do.
One thing for sure it WILL be there when I am well enough to tackle it! lol

Next week is youth camp and Jasper and Samuel will be going. Rebecca is so excited because when Daddy is gone her and baby brother sleep with Mommy. She is counting down the days! We may go to some of the day services but not sure just how many because I have trouble sitting for long periods of time and the chairs though padded are not comfy at all. Again, not sure how much we will go but, we will at least try for 1 day service and 1 night service. :)

Well that's all for now. Samuel has to work today so I need to get moving to be ready to drive him the 2 minutes...lol

Have a great day all!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Hat!

Bella Grace in her new hat!

Ultrasound pic!

Cassia Rose! Her head is on the right side, her belly is on the left! She is chubby!!!!

Ultrasound Results

My appointment went well yesterday. They did the sonogram and said she looked good and that she has a fat belly. No masses, just chubby. They estimate her weight currently at 7# 4 oz.  This is not a definite weight though. In most cases they are almost always heavier. Twenty-Four years ago, when they told me Renee would be a 5# baby, she was born weighing 7#5oz. Then last year a friend of mine was told her son would be 7# and he was within a couple oz of being 10lbs!!!! So even though there has been many medical advancements  the sonogram weight is not one of them. I have 3 weeks yet until the c-section date. They grow at a half pound per week sometimes more. It should be interesting to see what her weight will actually be!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

36 Weeks!

I have made it to this point! Yay! I am really amazed at how well everything has went so far. For my age that is lol. Just 3 weeks 2 days left until scheduled surgery date. I know it will go by fast and we will be there before we know it! I am blessed.
I will write tomorrow about the Dr visit and any new information.

Monday, July 16, 2012

So Uncomfortable!

It has gotten to the time where comfort is no where to be found. Yesterday Cassia was in a position that kept me from being able to sit correctly so I stayed home and reclined a lot! I can tell she is very large. I get sore when she gets active. lol! Just part of it I know. :)

I go Wednesday for the sonogram to see just how large she is estimated to be. Should be interesting.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Last night I measured my waist line. It was 47" around! YIKES!!!! Then I measured the height of the uterus like I have been taught...According to the Dr, the cm amount generally matches the week of pregnancy you are in. Give or take a week. I am 35 weeks, but measured 39!!!!!!! No wonder I have new marks on me! I go next week for another ultrasound. It will tell her estimated weight. This should be interesting!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

35 weeks

Routine Exam

I went early this morning for my check up. Dr feels like Cassia is going to be a big girl. I have an ultrasound scheduled for next Wednesday. I hope we get a picture! :) after that we have just 3 weeks until she comes....my how time flies!

I have not dilated any further than I was 2 weeks ago. I was actually surprised to hear this! Thought for sure I would be a 2 or even a 3...lol

Swelling is down and BP was 100/70 which is good they say. Weight was 189....I gained 4 pounds so total weight gain thus far is 17 lbs. Not bad at all.

I am going to go through the baby clothes next week and wash what I will be needing first. My my it's hard to believe! She will be here soooon!!!!!
Youth Camp was too much for Carl! lol

Monday, July 9, 2012

Youth Camp 2012

We had a good group of young people. There was not really any trouble with the kids and everyone had a great time.

I had fallen Monday night in some water and it made me so sore that I had to get a fill in for me on Tuesday. By Wednesday I was good enough to take my choir back to finish the week.

I had told the story about how that lil Zac at church had almost choked on the rock. I said how it is so important to obey God because you just never know what a person is going through. That same night, God called me on it! Someone we knew that had been away from God for several years and when we were in service the Lord told me to go to them and ask them to come and Pray. I was scared as this was a man and I am a woman. Somethings I prefer not to do and that was one of them. But after a bit I did. Thankfully I was not rebuked and I was able to walk with him down the isle until Jasper intercepted him. He prayed and seemed to really get help.

The week went by fast! It was too fast! I enjoyed it very much and Lord willing we can go again!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

We r home! Look how bad my feet are swollen! Even my legs are swollen! Camp was great though!

Current Time


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