Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What's that awful smell?

If your not from an area where this "smell" is familiar, you will ask this question. Unfortunately, we in the Shenandoah Valley, know exactly what that is! It is a SKUNK! My house smelled like a cross between wet dog and skunk. We noticed this 2 nights ago  and also discovered a large hole going under the porch.
After doing some research I discovered that skunks choose a home where they have a good food supply and water source. We recently discovered that we have voles. Skunks eat voles. So, we must eliminate the food source. Also Skunks bear young from the end of April-first of June. It depends on the age of the mother. We need to decide what strategy to use to rid our home of this pesky critter without getting sprayed!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The weather just can't decide

One day it's hot, the next its cold....Ahhh spring! Soon it will be hot weather and we will wish we had these cool days of spring. The grass is already growing quite a bit. Samuel is attempting to cut it down. We have 2 fields that were very high last season and so they are much thicker than the rest of the yard.

I have begun my container gardening. I have several plants now. I have Hosta, several types of Day Lillies, Hen and Chicks, Irises, Butterfly bush, and more. I am glad to have something this summer to see bloom. After construction is completed on our new rooms, I plan to get a few trees. I would love a weeping willow.

We have several things coming up to keep us busy:

Convention (Begining Thursday)
A Surprise (Can't tell ya yet)
A visit from Auntie Linda and Uncle Richard (May 13)
Rebecca's 9th birthday! (May 17)
A possible trip to NC/GA (End of May)
Blue Ridge Youth Camp * (July 4th week)
Landmark Youth Camp (End of July)
Cassia's First Birthday! (August 9th)
Carl's 5th Birthday! (November 13)
Georgia trip (Thanksgiving)

My we will be busy! Once I began typing it became real just how much we had going on over the summer! I hope we can fit it framing up for our expansion to the house! We really need it!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Warm Weather is here!

At least for this week! By Wednesday we will be in the low 80's! The birds are singing! Ahhhh I love it!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring has sprung!

Well, it's spring time here in the valley. Robins are everywhere and the jonquils are in full bloom. I am so glad to see the temps coming up and the days getting longer! All this has me motivated to get the house in order. I mentioned to Cortney, it's time to spring clean the house, she says why do people say that? What is it about spring that makes you ant to clean. I told her houses have been shut up all winter long, it's time to open windows and clean out all the stale dusty air. Kids, gotta love the innocence. So, with that said you can know I have begun the process.

Cassia is growing so very fast. She is almost 8 months old! Yes, can you believe it? Me either! She is so sweet and rotten. I love her so much and she is my buddy. We do almost everything together. lol Mainly because she won't let me put her down! Spoiled? Just a tad She loves the outdoors so when the kids take her out, when warm enough, I enjoy some much needed me time. Even if that involves cleaning and

Carl has really grown a lot lately. He is very much a boy! Into everything, asking 100's of questions. Oh how I love that lil handsome guy! He is My buddy too! He told me he was outside shooting coyotes, but, got scared when he saw a huge snake in the no coyotes, no snakes, just a huge imagination! THAT is my Carl. :)

Rebecca is counting down her days to her 9th birthday! She too has grown a lot this year. I am amazed how fast the time goes. She still loves her Hello Kitty stuff! I think she always will. She has become such a great helper with Cassia. I am glad for the help. She is a little mama. Cassia goes to her better than anyone other than me. Rebecca loves that!

Samuel has become quite the young man. Doing school, working 1-2 days a week with Dad, he too is growing up. At 15, I think he has a good head on his shoulders. He is saving his money, that is a smart man. I am proud of his accomplishments and who he has become. He is an excellent musician. Playing the guitar, bass and piano. This Mama could not be prouder!

Our new addition: Cortney.... She has been with us since the end of November. It's been quite an adjustment for everyone. Little by little we see everything settling down. It's an learning experience for us all.
She has drawing talent that I have tried to encourage her to enhance. I see such potential there.  Hopefully soon she will develop a desire toward it and go with it. Who knows what she can do, I know it will be great to watch once she starts! Drawing could lead to painting....time will tell.

Well that about wraps it up. My me time is almost gone, so I will close this and surf a bit. Hope everyone is doing well.

Until next time.......

Current Time


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