Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy And Huckleberry!

As many have heard we are expecting some severe weather from this storm system. So far we have a lot of rain. The winds are expected to gust to 55. But one weather man says it will be worse. I will let you know after the dust settles lol!

We went this morning at 10 a.m. and officially became home owners again! We have been renting the house since April. It's a nice feeling!
Jasper is at this moment hanging plywood on the porch because we still didn't get everything off it in time. So to keep it from blowing away he thought this would help.

I have the little kids down napping. I am about to begin cleaning the house. I want to get as much as I can done before the storm hits. Just in case we lose electricity. So I am getting of here. I hope everyone else fairs safe!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Cassia rolled over!

Rebecca's Dr Visit

Today we went to to see if the Dr was going to remove the stitches. As we waited her nervousness grew!

She was so scared. They removed 2 stitches and decided to leave the other 2 because he was afraid that if she fell and suddenly put weight on that heel it might open up again.
So we will return next Friday to get the other 2 removed.  He said she may need some PT, but, I doubt it. She is raring to go. lol

Here is what the x-ray showed before surgery. I knew it had went deep, but look how deep!!

They also had one showing it being removed, but we did not get that one... So we have the after...

Soon it will all be over and she will be able to run and play again! I will be glad for her. It's been really tough on her. But over all she has really done well!

This is before stitches were removed!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Catching up

Time for myself these days is so little. I know it won't last so I don't mind. Cassia is really growing fast. She is a chunkie lil girl. She didn't sleep all night last night, but most times does. She loves to be held already. :)

Rebecca is recovering well from her surgery and no longer needs pain meds. I am glad. She is getting pretty good with the crutches now. She is a trooper!

Auntie Linda and Uncle Richard came yesterday to see Rebecca and the rest of us. I made some shake n bake chicken, Mac n cheese, and green beans with rolls. It was so good! We had a good visit with them.

We have been getting ready to change rooms around. It's not going to be easy. Rebecca's room is in a shambles and with her being down she can't get in there to get things together. I have a hard time even keeping daily things together. So I dunno how we are going to get it all fixed up. One step at a time I guess!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lil Miss Cassia

Isn't she too little to be trying to play! lol

Broken Glass

It all started when a dog came into the yard and Jasper told Rebecca to come in to tell me to come and see how it looked so much like our dog. When she ran through a forbidden area, that she forgot was forbidden, and ended up with a puncture wound to her heal.

I could tell by looking at it something was not right with this cut. it was not bleeding, and you could tell it was deep. Jasper got his flash light and some tweezers to see if the object was still in her foot. Sure enough it was. After about 20 minutes of her yelling as he dug trying to remove it, we decided to load up and take her to RMH. Now in my mind I am thinking, we will go and get this removed and worse case she will have stitches. NEVER did it ever cross my mind our little girl would have to go into an operating room for surgery! It was a piece of glass a bit larger than a dime and was in the bottom of her heel next to the bone.

Once in OR they had to do a constant xray nearly just to be sure they were getting to it. They managed to get it all and she is resting at home after an overnight stay at the hospital. They ran antibiotic to be sure no infections begin.

I did not sleep well as you can imagine. I had Cassia with me and she did well. It was just to much noise for me. Not to mention all the worry with Rebecca. 

We got home today around noon. She is now resting in one of the recliners. Dr Courtney sent her home with crutches. I will try to get a picture of that and add later. 

                                                                      After surgery

Resting at home

Friday, October 12, 2012

Once again I am txtn this from my phone. I do not have much time to post these days. Jasper finally closed in the porch to make cute room. Though small, it makes a great nursery. Orginally it was going to be Carl's room, but Carl is getting a room upstairs! Yay for Carl! It is going to be sort of crazy here for the next few weeks but in the end it will be more settled! I can't wait! I am hoping to have time to do some unpacking and organizing after My baking in the morning. I have lots of things still packed on the porch that has got to come in
So that we can stack wood there for the stove. It is much cooler here and tonight comes our first frost. So much to do so little time. Oh and we hve enough paint to paint the Outside of the house and make it look better. I can't wait! That will help it look better for a while until we cn get the OSB to cover nd ready it for siding! It's All slowly coming together. it just takes time.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cassia had her 2 month check up and is doing great! She weighed 12 lbs 4 oz. And is 22 1/4 in long! She is a chunky lil thing! She sleeps well most nights. Although this morning she wanted to play at 5am lol! I played with her until she started yawning, And then got her back to sleep. It's nearly 6am now and I am heading back to bed!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Current Time


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