Monday, August 27, 2012

So Cute!

Gimmie kiss

Before and After

3 Days before Cassia's Arrival

Almost 2 weeks Postpartum

Love the Cashier at Food Lion!

I went to the store today to get a few things while Cassia was asleep. When I got to the register the cashier was ringing the items then looks up all at once and says I did not even recognize you! I was like, thank you! :)

I seem to be losing about 1 lb a day. That works for me! If I can just keep it off!! Lets hope!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

In A Fog

Well she did it. She kept me up all night and most of the day. She is finally sleeping! Cassia has had what I call a high maintenance day. I am pooped, I mean slap give out. That's Georgia talk for exhausted! I am hoping she sleeps tonight. We have church tomorrow and the way I feel right now, if she pulls another all niter I won't be attending services!

Jasper has gone to get supper. A rotissery chicken! I really like those! Best of all I don't have to cook!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Enjoying her swing

New Pictures of Cassia

All Smiles!

Daddy is home from his trip to Georgia

Smiling at her Doll

She was really checking it out!

In her swing looking at a flower


How sweet is that face. So kissable!

Love this baby girl! She is 2 weeks old here.

Update on Cassia

I am posting this morning early while everyone is sleeping. It's nice and quiet here in the house, a rare moment for sure. I decided I would write some on the first few days with our precious new baby girl, Cassia.

She is doing great! She went from 8# 10.5 oz to 7# 8oz because I am nursing and babies naturally lose the weight waiting for the milk to come in. I took her back to the Dr for a weight check and she had gained up to 7# 13 oz. I was somewhat disappointed she had not past her birth weight but, at least she is gaining!

Nursing was hard at first. For some reason her latch was different on the right side. It was terribly painful and I had to sike myself out to even nurse on that side! I am so happy to report things are tremendously better!

Cassia is very strong and is very alert to things going on around her. Sometimes it seems she knows how to manipulate you into picking her! She has the cutest "fake" cry you ever heard, lol, and it works!

Everyone seems to be adjusting well. Carl loves the baby and so does Bella Grace. We just have to keep an eye on both to be sure they are not rough on her.

Over all everyone is adjusting to having a new baby in the house. It has been a precious time!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

2 weeks Post Partum

Wow how amazing is that? It has been 2 weeks already since my baby girl was born! I feel good and can cough a bit without a lot of pain. I am off all pain meds now. Took a couple more days than i had wanted to, but had to.

The last time I had weighed I had lost 23 lbs, I had only gained 19! So I am excited about this! Been up doing a bit more. Nothing heavy but some laundry and light house work. Jasper and the kids have been great! I have enjoyed being pampered! :)

Cassia and I went to church last night. It was her first service. Carl told people it was his baby's first church service! He was a tad bit excited that she was there!

Well I need to do dishes while baby is asleep. Better get busy!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Easy weight loss!

I have lost all my pregnancy weight and a 3 lbs lighter than I was before I got pregnant! I plan to lose more weight, at a slower rate. I would like to lose 15lbs.

I just got through packing up all the maternity clothes for a while, maybe permanently. Time will tell. :)

I am adding a new category to follow and that is post pregnancy. Be sure to read there now!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Goodbye is so hard

I knew it would be hard, and I knew I would probably cry. I think back to the first time I picked up my niece, Cortney, it seems like a lifetime ago. It would be the first of many visits over the years. Some visits were short others were extended. I have become close to her over the years.

After we moved to Virginia, it seemed like we would never get to see her like before. Just a brief hello good-bye was all we did for the next 2 and a half years. That is until I found out I was pregnant and we were having a girl. We decided to give Cassia Cortney's middle name. That made Cortney so excited and she wanted to be here for the birth. So we arranged it and she was with us for our families special time.

It was so nice to have her with us. The time went way too fast. We love that child as we do our own. My heart is aching  because she had to go. She is a beautiful young lady now. I am so proud of her. I hope that some way we get to spend time with her in the Fall.

Her and Samuel seem to have bonded while she was here. They would stay up every night talking. During the day they wrestled and acted like brother and sister. This morning they hugged and I heard them tell each other they loved one another.  Heart breaking for sure! Samuel has retreated into his room. I know he didn't want her to go either.

Jasper has went with her back to Georgia. I didn't have the heart to send her off alone with Jasper's parents. He agreed and went and will be taking her to the church in the town she lives in so she won't feel as awkward.

Cortney accepted Christ into her heart and the Lord filled her with His spirit. I saw the change take place. It was precious. We have always encouraged her to seek the Lord, but this time she did it on her own, we never said a word to her. It was such a joy to see her in the altars.

I love you Cortney!!!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cassia Rose

My baby girl!

Enjoy some of her first pics:

Just minutes old

First Family Photo

Sweet Baby Girl

Checking out  baby Cassia

JJ & Brittany and Cassia

Cassia, Carl & Samuel
The 2 Rose's

Bro. Hedrick holding Cassia

Sis Hedrick and Cassia


Happy Big Brother!

She said she waited so long for a baby sister!

Alpha and Omega  (First and Last? Time will tell)

Monday, August 13, 2012

1st Dr Visit for Cassia

It was a routine visit that was checking for Jaundice. She was negative for that. She was so hungry but once I  nursed her she was fine. I got Sis Missy to take me since Jasper and Renee both had to work. I can't drive for 2 weeks. Everything went good. I am tired and sore from the trip. Cassia is still!

She is so precious! I am so thankful for such a healthy beautiful baby girl.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cassia Rose Merrell

She arrived at 9:31 a.m. August 9th via c-section. Dr. Botticelli Delivered. He was fast and did great work! I had a spinal, which went well and also had a morphine mixture added to it to help control pain afterward. It did VERY well. there was a side effect of itching but it was not anything I could not handle. All itching has stopped now.

Cassia weighed 8# 10.5 oz and was 19 3/4 in long. She has a head full of jet black hair! She is beautiful!
She gave us 1 scare getting choked on the fluids she swallowed in utero, and she turned blue. So glad the nurse was in the room when it happened and she immediately rushed her to the nursery and they did a deep suctioning out of her lungs and nasal area. She has choked some since but not to that extreme. Thank God!

The hospital staff was above and beyond! They were excellent! RMH in Harrisonburg, Virginia is super!!! They even encouraged me to have more children if that was what we wanted! I was surprised at that! Most people spend their time telling me we need to stop lol! I am just trusting the good Lord.

Our first night home was a long one, but sweet at the same time. Cassia nursed most of the night which helped as today we see milk is coming in. :) OOps...I fell asleep right there. I guess I better post this pic and get off the computer.

Leave me a comment tell me how pretty Cassia is! lol!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Today is THE day! I managed to get some sleep, which was surprising to me. I am in some pain this morning. Probably am in labor. I am getting ready now to go. Just 4 hours and surgery begins!! I am excited to see my sweet baby girl!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

1 Day left!

I find myself unable to sleep the past few nights. Not sure if its from anxiety or plain discomfort. Maybe it's both? I have a few more things I need to do before tomorrow. I will be up super early in the morning. Probably at 5. I have a small head cold but I think it will be fine. As long as I do not sneeze on the table!

I have a house full here. My in-laws arrived yesterday afternoon. They will be here for the birth. Cortney is here. My niece. She will be staying with me at the hospital at night. She is so excited!
   Cortney has come a long way in the few days she has been here. She went to youth camp and accepted Christ in her life. I am so proud of her.  I love that girl so much, and it is going to be hard when she leaves. Even Carl is saying he will miss her when she goes home. I think Rebecca will really miss her. Cortney has really made over her while she has been here. She does her hair and everything.

Today we have several things on the agenda. I have to drop Samuel off at work and then I need to head to the store. There are a few things I need to get before the morning. I have diaper bag packed but not mine! So I have to do that as well. There is a bit of organization left to do as well But I think it can be managed today. So, I better close this check my email and get moving!

Look for pictures tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

2 Days!

Only 2 days left and we will have our sweet Cassia Rose! Last night I dreamed about the Dr not being able to get the needle right In my back. I am sure they will do fine. I can't wait to meet her!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Samuel and his friend
Ashliegh ;)

It's almost show time!

It seemed like it would be a longer duration than it has been. However, in some ways it seems like it has been ages! I am home tonight because going 2xs a day is just too much for me right now. It won't be long until things are back to normal and we have our sweet baby girl. Cortney, Rebecca and Carl are excited. The rest well they are old and express themselves differently. Which is fine. I am not exactly sure yet how we will manage getting everyone to the hospital. Jasper's Van is not doing well. It would be really good if we could borrow the church van for everyone. We will see how it goes.

Surgery time is set for 9 a.m. and I have to arrive very early for prep. They said it may get moved to 7:30a.m. which would mean arriving for prep way too early for my enjoyment! If they remain on schedule for 9 we should have our baby girl in our arms by 9:30a.m. No later than 10.

It's an exciting time! I love it. I have just a few things needed to be done before the big day and kids are going to help me. I run out of steam very quickly so I will need their help! It won't take too much though.

My in-laws are coming. They should be here by Wednesday sometime. I wish they would wait and let us come down in a few weeks after I am better. I couldn't talk them out of :) So we will have lots of company. I just hope it doesn't turn to chaos!

I will post as much as possible and will try to post pictures from my cell phone to blogger so that you can see the baby!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Banquet Night at Landmark

Doesn't she look beautiful!?!

                      Cortney and Austin

Look out boy!!!

Now then, Uncle Jasper watching out for his best niece!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Today's last visit

I went at 8:30 this morning and had my last Dr visit. Dr Keatts had a hard time finding her heartbeat, but It was because she just would not listen when I said she was now breech. In the end however, she had to and told me I was indeed correct...DUHHHH!

She told me to check the heart beat 3x's a day and count the kicks that the baby makes. I was like okay sure no problem, I have my own doppler so I guess that is why she wanted me to do that??? Not really sure.

So we have 8 days left until delivery day! I still do not have a time yet, but should real soon! Today my pelvis is really hurting. I am going to church tonight so I have got to push myself. I dread the seats. They hurt my pelvis bad! I want to be there at least tonight though!

Anyway, counting down the days!!! Whoo hooo!!!!

Current Time


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