Tuesday, January 31, 2012

12 weeks!

I am officially 12 weeks! I really never thought I would make it this far. I take it day by day. I just listened to the baby's heart beat and it was 174. I also heard it bumping around a little. I read where it is supposed to be around 2 1/2 in. long now. Amazing!! I have 27 weeks to go, wow! That is not long at all.
I can already tell I am having trouble breathing, though it's still early, Blood flow has increased tremendously. I doubt I will be singing very much for 27 weeks. :) that's okay.
I should be able to feel my womb soon. I am getting excited. I am so hopeful!

Monday, January 30, 2012

One day shy...

I am one day shy of 12 weeks. I listened this morning as my baby's heart beat 162 beats per minute. I also heard it bumping around. I will be glad to go to the Dr soon. I am just waiting on the insurance to go through and then I will make my appointment. I hope they get me in rather quickly once I do make that appointment.
I can tell I am growing. My tummy is very large for 12 weeks but, I have actually lost weight. I was 170 this morning. When I found out I was pregnant I was 176lbs. I am not stressing about it as that will all change soon enough. If I put on 30 lbs, I will be larger than I have ever been in my life. I plan to go on a major weight loss after august gets here! Until then, I will just try to eat right and not gain too much weight.
This is my last week in the first trimester. It is a big milestone. One that I have prayed I would make. Lord willing I will.
I have so much I want to do that my pregnancy should go by pretty fast if I stay at them all. My biggest task will be cleaning out the storage porch area. I have a ton of junk out there! Stuff that is really just no good! But I tend to keep it for some dumb reason. I have always been a pack rat!
As soon as it is warm I plan to clean it all out! Beginning early in a morning and working till it's finished! I will be glad to get all of my list completed.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Left Facebook

I had left it then rejoined for coupons, I first was under an alias, then decided to become public and choose only my friends I wanted. But, they make to many changes and without your permission. I just don't like being forced to accept some things. So I will use google+ and my blogger.

11 Weeks!

Thank you Jesus! I am thankful to have made it this far. I listened to the heartbeat this morning, which is now interrupted by bumps. So I know my wee one is active in there! I am not far from entering the second trimester. I am hoping to get into the Drs office soon. I am waiting on my insurance. Until then I can at least monitor the baby myself and know he/she is alive and kicking!

Monday, January 23, 2012

I need this!

Bar and Hangar Set [] - $27.50 : Arm's Reach® Baby Bassinets - Baby Bedding, Furniture, Cribs, CO-SLEEPER® Brand Baby Bassinets:

'via Blog this'

Working through remote session

I am excited because we finally set up a remote session for the church office and I can work again to help out! I babysit so much that I was not as able to go in and take care of some things, but now I can access it all! Yay! I am back to doing what I came here for!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Rebecca's Room

The Shelves Jasper Built

Hello Kitty Pinata

Mostly Finished Room
I still have to put the dust ruffle back on and clear dressers.
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Christmas and Rebecca's room

This Looks Just Like Brittany
She is such a sweet girl!

Samuel Hating me taking his picture

My Amish Hubby lol!

Rebecca happy on Christmas Morning!

Samuel being his usual silly self

JJ's gift was ordered and would be late, so, he was reading the invoice
he got parts needed to fix truck back up

Carl will be cozy warm!


Rebecca's Room!
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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Organization 101

Today it begins. Rebecca's room is in a total shambles. If you know me, you know that really means it looks BAD! I am not one of those women who say my home is a mess and you go in only to find it spotless.

So here is what is happening right now. Rebecca has taken out a changing table that was being used for a shelf. All her dolls and stuffed animals are piled up nearly 3ft high on her bed. Her floor is covered with all sorts of toys. Her and Carl play up there and have a terrible habit of not putting things away. I rarely go up the stairs, so this falls on me. Since Renee has 3 days off in a row, I am planning to to redo her room.

Jasper is outside about to build 2 wall shelves that will help me to organize this chaos! I will be sure to take pictures when finished.

I am excited!

The Valley Banner

Our Church will be featured in The Valley Banner Newspaper! The topic is The Missions Work In Africa as well as on the home front! My son JJ will be pictured! I hope to be able to copy the article here when it is out!

So far so good!

Today is the 10 week mark. HB is 168 this morning. The lady who did my ultrasound at 8 weeks called to check on me. I thought that was so nice. She was glad to know all was going good still and said the heart beat between 168 and 174 was excellent! I told her I am taking it one day at a time. It's all I can do at this point.

She told me of a person who was 11 weeks coming in and when they did the ultrasound there was twins. I thought that was great. She said it was real neat to see two babies like that. I would like to go be a volunteer sometime at that clinic. They have helped me a lot.

Well, I must get going, I have two hungry little ones up and going. I better get them fed. Have a great day all who read this!

Monday, January 16, 2012

10 weeks Tomorrow

I am thankful I am able to write that title. As of this morning I heard a hb of 174. I am hoping to get to the Dr soon. I have to get my insurance soon. Hopefully I will get it before the end of the month. I want to get my visits going and hopefully get another ultra sound done. It's amazing to know that in 10 more weeks we will be at the half way point. Lord willing we will get there and beyond. I have so much I want to get done before the baby comes and I am sure it will take all this time I have to get finished.

I am having sleepy times now. Right now I am so ready for bed. It is 9:15 lol I am usually a night owl. I ate to much Brunswick stew so I am not feeling well. I really would rather go to bed. However, I have a few things to do yet. Sigh....

Anyway, tomorrow we will be 10 weeks. Lord willing we will still hear the heat beat tomorrow. I take it one day at a time.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Poor Carl

Last night he came crying to me saying " Nobody loves me" I asked everyone why he was saying that, and no one had a clue. It was heart breaking. I assured him that Mommy loved him very much and asked him did he want to eat a banana and drink some milk with me. He agreed and in a few short minutes he was back to normal. I have no clue why he said that. Oh, It was just awful to hear him say that and to think he actually felt that for a few seconds. Poor buddy! Mommy loves Carl and Daddy loves Carl and even better Jesus loves Carl!!!

9 Weeks 2 Days

Praising the Lord that our wee one is still with us. I am hopeful still. I am a little more relaxed, but not totally. I doubt I will be until I am holding my precious baby in my arms. I listened and heard the heart beating this morning yet again. It is so amazing that as tiny as that heart is, it can be heard like that. I still have to search for it a lot, but am getting better at it. It stays at 168 bpm. That is a good sign as well.

I know so many things can go wrong, it always stays in the back of your mind. When was younger I never really thought of all that just could go array. I guess age makes us realize these things? I think it also helps us take each day as it comes and enjoy all we can out of it.

So that is what I will do with this pregnancy. I will enjoy each day with my precious wee one and be thankful for each day we have together.

Can you tell kids are in the house?


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I have made it to 9 weeks! 3 weeks until I am going into 2nd trimester ~Pam

Monday, January 9, 2012

We were only supposed to get rain but we got snow.


Baby Merrell 01/09/12

I am 8 weeks 6 days and here is my baby who is now the size of an olive! Click on Baby Merrell below:

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just got Carl to bed. I am hungry but need to be in bed myself! ~Pam

So much to do, no energy to do it...

As I sit here this morning typing this entry, I am thinking of all I need to do in this ran-sacked house! But it is so hard to really think on it to long when you really want to go back to bed! I am fine when I first get up, but about 30 minutes after eating breakfast, well now, that's a whole new ball game. Nausea takes over and is in place for the majority of the day! So, I just do what I can do and let the rest go. Yes, now you can imagine what I am talking about with my house. lol
I know it a few weeks I will begin to feel better. So I am just going to do what I can as I can for now.
One thing is for sure, it will be there when I get to it! It will not go anywhere.

I need to make the kids do more. Jasper insists they need more chores. I suppose he is right. I don't know why I hate to give them chores. It would help me a lot in the long run. Sigh....

Today is Bella Grace's birthday! She is a whopping 1 year old! Grandpa says she is starting to look like a little ole woman...lol he is so silly. She has really grown since they have been here, Which is now 4 months. Time is flying by. Renee' has a party planned for Saturday afternoon. I hope she gets lots of goodies! :)

Well that's it for now. I have to get moving if I am even going to get some of it finished today!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Heart Rate Was good!

This is our precious wee one. I measured 7 weeks 6 days, and according to cycle am 8 weeks 1 day. They say I am right on target! Heart rate was 166! I definitely cried. My nerves were in such a knot, hearing it's heart beating was just tremendous! My official due date is August 15, 2012, but of course C-section will be 7 days earlier, which is August 8th. Works for me! Though it can still go either way at this point, I am hopeful!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tomorrow is the day.... I go to the Women's clinic to see if all is well with our baby. I am nervous for sure. ~Pam

Monday, January 2, 2012

Carl had Rebeccas hello kitty glue stick and thought it was chapstick I will let you imagine what happened next! ~Pam

Supper Tonight among other things...

I thought it was pretty good. We had boneless Loin chops, Potatoes, and baby limas. Problem is we just got through eating and I am already hungry again! I think I am pregnant folks lol! I even topped it off with a big piece of chocolate cake! So, even though I feel a little nausea, I am more hungry than nauseated. lol Oh my!

Just 2 more days and I will see how the baby is doing. I am very concerned. Losing 2 in a row is bad, and I know with my age we could lose this one to. My symptoms being good however give me a little hope. I am very hopeful actually. We will see Wednesday for sure. One way or the other. I am hoping to post a nice sweet ultra sound pic!

My big sister called me tonight. It's been a while since we have spoken. She is going through a lot with her cancer treatments. I so hate it for her. We did laugh tonight when we realized our symptoms are similar. she said maybe its not cancer, maybe I'm pregnant, we had a good laugh. She has another treatment in the morning. I feel for her. about the time she starts to feel better it is time for another treatment! That really stinks!

I had better close now. I think I will go spend a few minutes with the kids on the ps2.

Current Time


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