Wednesday, July 27, 2016

So much has changed

SO much has changed since I left using blogger. Facebook seems to keep my hooked in its clutches. My mom passed away in May 2014 2 days after her birthday. It has been life changing. Then there is the children changing, adult children changing, hurts, some happiness along the way. I have realized I have only now, I am not promised my next breath, and I need to focus on my children at home and do all I can to help them to become responsible adults. Nothing else matters anymore. Things that seemed important are not. SO with that, I move on....

Our current family at home consists of DH and I, 3 children, and 3 cats. No dogs for now. Life is fast paced lately. We have a used appliance store, that sells reconditioned appliances. it takes so much of our time.  When not working we try to spend quality time with the children. Rebecca is now 12, Carl 7, and Cassia turns 4 in just a few days. Time is moving at such a fast rate.

Since we have such huge expenses with having a store we have decided to cut expenses and either sell or rent our home. This will enable us to move to the loft above the store. We have so much we need to do, but I am so ready to do it. I need that change of scenery. A fresh start.

With that I will end this note and do another post on Cassia. Ugh she is my one!!!

Current Time


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